August 1970
August 1970 - From Klinsky's war dairy: From Klinsky's war dairy: 12 August 7:30 AM20 rockets were fired 1800m in front of us aimed at Sharon. Our tanks and mortars fired up the launch site, as did 105's from Ann. Tried to sweep the area but was tri-can - nothing. 14 AugustBrigade security platoon ambushed in our AO. 2KIA, 2 WIA 17 August PM27 sank completely in Quang Tri River. CBL. 19 AugustI'm going in for E-5 board. 47 in front of us hit mine. CBL. Roland minor back injuries and shock, Lea paralyzed 2 fingers - also his 3rd mine! Sent stateside. 20 Augustpassed 5…