August 1969

Elements of 1/61 Mech infantry and 1/11 infantry are blasted to smithereens Elements of 1/61 Mech infantry and 1/11 infantry are blasted to smithereens by artillery hidden in the hills that form the Bi Long Valley as they use the new road.1st Platoon works at LZ Angel, LZ Pedro and LZ Mohawk, all in the AO that includes Nancy and LZ SharonFrom Coop's War Diary: 01 Aug 69Left Sharon at 11:00; we are back out in the same area we were in a few days ago. We have a 60mm mortar that Shue had traded a 46 for and out of…

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July 1969

LZ Nancy 06 July 69LZ Nancy 2nd and 3rd Platoon back in - 1st Platoon due back the 7th07 July 69LZ Nancy Went to LZ Sharon to turn in old Tank08 July 69LZ Sharon Back to LZ Nancy with new Tank09 July 69LZ Nancy Doc took sitches out a grunt from 1/61 C Company; he had been wounded by sharpnel from a RPG at Khan Shunassigned to track 29(Taylor)10 July 69LZ Nancy Took new Tankers out to familiarize and test firing of weapons 17:30 return to LZ just in time to receive orders to move out in 25 minutes for…

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January – May 1969

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January to May 1969 I think this action took place late '68 or early '69. The Troop was pulling a sweep into DMZ, this is the first time we went up far north into the Z. The grunts and we were searching bunkers. This guy was from A15 track, he throws a frag into a bunker and goes in and drags out a wounded NVA. He had to disarm and drag him out because he was not coming out on his own. They medivac’d the NVA. I remember it was still early in country for us because the B52's were…

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December 1968

December 6th 1968 SSG Guy Creep killed doing thunder run. Took RPG in swim vane and 50 cal shield. SPC Jones wounded, mechanic wounded (lost part of his skull cap), and two others wounded. I was in 2nd platoon then. i was in charge of track 23 & 24. I got over to Sgt. Creep's track that night before "doc" could get there and saw he was dead. we were all so mad at the dustoff pilots because they wouldn't come in and get guy because they were scared somebody would fire a star cluster into their chopper. hell, they were…

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October & November 1968

October 1968 1St platoon sent to Camp Eagle by way of LCU to Hue.October 8 Talk of being attached to the 101 down in Hue. Alexander no longer CO. Ended up a CO of company in 1/77. We lost a great CO.October 20 Now attached to 101st north of Ha Vong Pass (sp). Raining for six days. Lt. William McShane November 1968 6 Nov 1968: Nixon elected president. American troop strength is at 540,000.Returned to Quang Tri.From Lt. William G. McShane 3rd Platoon 1968-69Nov 6 Prior to this date we break off with the 101st and drive north past Wonder Beach…

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September 1968

A-18 hits mine near C2. Swinny, Mills, Tulki and Gaylor A-18 hits mine near C2. Swinny, Mills, Tulki and Gaylor shaken but there were no major injuries.  Photo of A-18 Crew I'm still not sure of the time of this event but it must have been at the end of Aug. or early Sept. 1st platoon had been pulling road guard on Highway 1 keeping the road between Dong Ha and Quang Tri secure at night. How we got to where we ended up is still locked away. Any way we ended up on a Recon near, I believe, C-2. We did our Recon of…

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August 1968

Quang Tri base camp occupied Quang Tri base camp occupied4/12 Cav assigned to guard road between Quang Tri and Dong HaThe following is from Keith Short of C 1/11th Infantry: On 6 Aug 1968, A/4-12 Cav replaced C/1-11 Infantry in a place called "Red."  Red appears to be the area around FSB Pedro area to the north of the Thach Han River.  It begins at 13:41 hours when A/4-12 Cav start calling in their locations at check points #1, #7, #23, #25, #50 and #70.  I'm assuming these were places were east of FSB Pedro.  At 15:59 hours the location of A/4-12 is at YD258526,…

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