2023 A Troop 4th Squadron, 12th US Cavalry Reunion

Another reunion has come and gone. The bathtubs full of beer have been reduced to decaffeinated coffee and soda. Age is catching up with us. However, we had 25 happy campers, and along with friends and family, we had about 65 for dinner. Those who thought Detroit was too far to drive might take a lesson from Roger and Shirely Curry who drove to Detroit from Alaska. Everyone attended the River cruise on Friday night, and many attendees enjoyed the Ford Factory Tour, Ford Museum, and Eastern Market.

The main attraction was the fellow troopers. There exists a camaraderie at these reunions that can’t really be explained. Perhaps it is because fifty years ago, we shared a unique experience few will ever know about and made the best of it. When I attend the reunions, I am always impressed by the success of the troopers. If you are measuring success by money, probably not. But making a life well lived. We all have a story, and we each have one chapter that’s the same.

Cheryl would like to thank Jeanie White, Shirley Curry, Linda Rinaldi, and Ruth Ann Cerny for their help and support with table favors, centerpieces, and door prizes.

Next year’s reunion will be hosted by the third herd.